Bunny-hopping Through Hoops to Keep You in the Loop

Monday, November 3, 2008

UC General Minutes 10/26/08

Sunday, October 26, 2008, 7:00pm Harvard Hall 104
Harvard University – Faculty of Arts and Sciences


UC Minutes Gen Meeting 10-26-08

I. Officer Updates
a. Matt Sundquist
i. Princeton and Yale have awesome housing, and it would be cool if we could replicate
b. Randall Sarafa
i. nominating positions for President/Vice President, need 150 signatures from undergraduates
ii. if you’d like to serve on the Election Commission, which enforces election rules. Steve Cupps is looking for 2 people.
c. Tony Britt
i. review of the last week’s budget’s contentious footnote
d. Mohindra Rupram
i. starling, special election to replace him in Mather
II. Committee Updates
a. Tamar Holoshitz
i. tutorial this week was great
ii. SAC will be considering legislation to appoint students to two new house renewal subcommittees
b. Andrea Flores
i. Student Life meeting on Monday went well
ii. Tony and Andrea will be meeting with HoCos to talk about the Student Life Fund
iii. Questions for Grants Pack will be accepted when the legislation is discussed
iv. new policy in the FiCom policy subcommittee will be discussed this week
III. For the Good of the Coucil
a. Matt Sundquist
i. On December 1 (tentative), Ted Kennedy will be having a ceremony for an honorary degree
ii. Pass around Mallika’s bag and draw names for the Kennedy ceremony to see who will attend
IV. Question Period
a. None
V. Comments Period
a. Meeting on Tuesday in Quincy Dining Hall for the Student Life Fund
VI. Legislative Docket
a. Fall Grants Pack 2.0
i. Question on grant 145, 147, 150 because zeroed out
ii. Why is grant 163 so high? huge number of undergrads
iii. Speakers for and against? none
iv. 26-0-1, passes
b. Fall 2008 HoCo allocation
i. Tony explains the general particulars of the legislation ($5400 per house, a little less for Dudley)
ii. Matt interrupts gives brief history: we used to fund them much less and only for events
1. but Matt’s freshmen year it changed so that we funded them upfront
2. Tony adds that last year we funded them $4,550
a. Questions
i. Alyssa Aguilera: What does Dudley usually get?
ii. 1/6 of a normal house, plus $1000, proportional to # of students in the house
iii. Matt Sundquist: we went with this formula because it would account for the shifts in House population, guarantees more continuity in terms of how much they can count on.
3. Doug Lloyd
a. amendment proposed: move to strike the fifth be it further resolved clause
i. all those in favor of considering the amendment: fails
4. No speakers against
5. Unanimous Consent
c. Tony Britt motions to reconsider the budget from last week
i. requires half of the Council to consider
1. 21-1-4
ii. Tony: better ways to go about fostering cooperation than in the contentious footnote from the first budget vote
1. easier to strike the footnote, since it doesn’t really do anything anyway
2. Question: Are you striking the $8,000 Special Initiative Fund and putting it back to the Grants Fund?
a. Tony: yes, because we can still allocate money from the Grants fund without making SIF?
iii. Vote on the question (after all previous procedures)
1. 22-1-3
d. Draw names for the Kennedy event
i. Crimson dude pulls the names out of the bag
1. Names
a. Doug Lloyd
b. Lisa Schechner
c. Nadia Gaber
d. Bill Rose
e. Catherine Ntube
f. Eric Michel
VII. Closing Remarks/Adjournment

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